Sunday, September 28, 2008

back ache

I had an in jab…

on my left BUTTOCK!

My left leg was numb right after the jab and the minute I walked out from the clinic… I look like a pregnant lady! T.T

Clarification from doctor was;

I twisted my back and one of the back bones are out of position. This caused muscle pain and he advised me to changed the way I sit.

So im gonna changed!

Anyway, going to Ipoh tomorrow for one day trip + mission trip

Dancing before Him and I hope this pain will not attack me again tomorrow!

Please pray for me!

Good Nite!


Jason Tanner said...

Hope the 2 salt-baked chickens didn't make it worse :) didn't know they were so kiasu

mehmeh said...

Me and Cal decided to named them "yim kuk gei" after the snatching session
So whenever you see "Wans" and Wai Wai... shout: YIM KUK KEI