I'm working TODAY! Collected my dress from laundry after work and do my make up near the pantry (there’s a big mirror next to it) and off set for a movie with my buddies! Wall-E. Not bad and essentially the humans are all fat in this movie. Eeeveee, waaaa~ll-e, hilarious!
Window shopping was our next itinerary and 6pm was the fashion fusion, organized by Berjaya Timesquare. Fashion designer of the event, Carven Ong and Key Ng. The design was incredible and exclusive. And I can’t believe it was all made by our own Malaysian’s Designers! * clapping *
- Stage, Concourse Level -
- Mei Yee, Jamie & Melody -
- Phovien's enemy & Phoevien's Bf -
- My best ji mui, Jordan -- Cyrus & me -
- Phoevien, she's a chili padi -
- Gotcha! - I took some pictures and for my part, I love Ning Baizura’s black dress, designed by Key Ng. Emcee was yelling the designers and Ning’s name over and over again. UNPROFESSIONAL and ANNOYING. Anyway, forget his part and let’s move on with below’s pics.
- Ning Baizura - *sexy*
- Dreamgirls' runnerup -
- Carven Ong's collection -
- Dreamgirls participants -
- Boon, marketing manager & 'MC' la -
- Janelle Chin, 2006 Astro pageant -
- Ning with her black dress -
I guess you guys are fully furnished. Bye for now and see you in my dreamland.